Saturday, September 22, 2012

On the Road Again- post by Ian

We're on vacation. Hair of the dog. All of those things. Its been heck of a couple weeks. It all started with a straight 20hr drive Oklahoma to Raleigh, Beat the hurricane and skipped into the slide into Autumn. I've been with friends ever since. Spent some time in Raleigh, where I declared my love for bloody marys and then Boston before getting back Vermont. Boston's something else. There are a LOT of people in Boston. let's just get that myth dealt with right of the bat. Well, way more than Small Town, OK, USA. back to boston... started off with free tickets to the sox game at fenway and ended with several rounds of the bar game "punch the punching bag harder than the other guy for a round of drinks!" A couple of days later I was touring the Sam Adams Brewery then finding myself at Doyle's Cafe. Another pretty great day. Most recently I have spend 5 straight nights ending up on a friends couch. Tell me I'm not living the dream! 

I also recently spent some time in Oklahoma some may recall. I figured I'd put a picture of one of the coolest thing I saw there and a picture of the presently operating El Siesta Motel in the town I lived in. Catch you in a bit.

Nights Near the Tracks

My encounters in Thailand have been vast thus far. Our second homestay was insightful yet simple. I lived in a slum community. The community formed many years ago when railroad workers would settle near the tracks. This was in fact was encouraged by their bosses. A few generations later and there are thousands of people that have built their homes and live next to the tracks. Now the government wants to build a high speed railway next to the tracks, and those who are settled there now will have to move. The problem is, none of the slum communities actually have property rights. Communities are working hard for leases to the land, in order to have compensation for when they move, while other communities are not compromising. Emotions run deep on this matter. I stayed with a grandmother (Yii) and two sisters who were sixteen and eight years old.  We slept in a room together at night under mosquito nets. We practiced Thai and English together and listened to the rain on the makshift tin roof. The father and mother were around, but they slept in another home. I am still unsure as to why this is.

Here is an entry I wrote for our program newsletter that helps describe my experience. The first line is referring to the train (SRT) which ultimately will be the ones to kick them off the land.

“The owner of the land is coming, so we have to be quite and listen.”

When this train flies by, it clicks out a symphony. If the world pauses, I
haven’t seen it yet.

Let us absorb its resilience. This so called slum- to me you’re rich. I
don’t mean rich in the sense of money. Not rich in the sense of occupation,
or even lifestyle. What I mean is: The smell. Fried fish, fueled by coal.
Trash which pours out, pondered over. Thick steam- sweat sticks. Smoke.
Dirt. Right over the rubbed and gratified street, the knees it has skinned.

What I mean is: The color. How when the sun shows down, lights are switched
on. They illuminate onto green tin roofs. Blue colored tiles are plastered
to tables and the yellow plastic shoes blur by on pink bikes.What I mean is
the chocolate skin, the disciplined eyes, the white smiles.

I can hear the rooster - it does crack with the sun. The cat at night, she
cackles like a human, I swear to you. Children laugh. I wonder when they
hear the future. Plus, I wonder if I’ve heard mine. Matter cannot be
destroyed, only displaced.

What I mean are: The dump trucks that bruise morning, ants roaming. The
families that spin under sheets. I hear the train; wheels against rusted
metal. They know when it comes and they omit the tracks like rain. Now no
one’s waiting to be quite. And so far, they haven’t stopped to listen- their
complacency is misunderstood, and as the hymn sums, it’s easy to see why
they call it home.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Moving to Chicago was wild. I think the city is a little bigger than Burlington? Some friends I met live on the 36th floor of their building. I look down and just stare. I stare for awhile. The city is great, lots of things to do and the people are pretty nice except when your standing at a cross walk and you hear the driver in the car in front of you yelling "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" I just smile. Smile and wave... but not really wave.

My birthday was on the 3rd so some friends and I went to the famous "Cheesecake Factory" for dinner. Delicious food turning into food comas. Oh well.
Preparing you now this is a sad story. Summer Dance is a festival that goes on Thursday through Sunday every summer. It's over now but I participated for some time. Once I went with some friends and I sat down next to an older woman maybe in her high 70's. I asked her if she danced and she said to me (word for word), "Yes, I used to dance more but my partner passed away". It was sad but we continued talking. It was nice to see that she still participated in this event and continued living her life as if he was still there. Summer Dance is now over but I did get to get down and jiggly with it. 

These are JELLIES! A friend and I went to the Shedd Aquarium right on the lake (which by the way looks like an ocean and I went in twice!). We saw lots of fishies and turtles and frogs and monkeys and dolphins and a 4D SHOW! It was pretty awesome. 

More to come. I pinky promise.

Labor Day 2012

It really was the perfect Vermont summer day on Lake Champlain. Lots of sun, warm breezes and the lake was beautiful ... you could say it was made to order for the end of summer celebration on the Aske Docks in Shelburne.  We had lots of great food and drinks that was enjoyed by friends and family.

One of the highlights of the afternoon was listening, singing or dancing to the sounds of the newly formed band Gen Greene.  They treated the crowd to two sets of rockin favorites.  Did it matter that they laughed through the lyics instead of singing them?  NO!  Did it matter that the mandolin player dropped his music off the dock and into the lake?  NO!  Did it matter that the crowd sang louder during a couple of songs than the band?  NO!  That is the way it should be....we had a blast! 

What an afternoon....can't wait for next year!